This plugin is Mercado Pago payment gateway for Kirby Merx plugin.


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Unzip downloaded file
  3. Copy/paste unzipped folder in your /site/plugins folder


Step 1: Get access token

Get API key from Mercado Pago Developers Panel.

Step 2: Set access token from config

Set accessToken option from config.php like following usage:


// /site/config/config.php
return [
    'owebstudio.merx-mercadopago.accessToken' => 'PROD_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Step 3: Add payment method

Enter the Kirby panel with Merx installed. Go to the payment methods section from the settings tab and add a new one. Make sure you type mercadopago in the value field.

Step 4: Test

:tada: Done! Now you're ready for first order!


Option Type Default Description
accessToken string null Access token key for Mercado Pago (required)
paymentMethods array null Customize the payment preferences. See details in document.
webhooks boolean false Activates webhooks to process real-time status updates

All the values can be updated in the config.php file with prefixed owebstudio.merx-mercadopago..

Customize the payment preferences


// /site/config/config.php
return [
    'owebstudio.merx-mercadopago' => [
        'accessToken' => 'PROD_ACCESS_TOKEN',
        'paymentMethods' => [
            // excludes by specific payment methods
            'excluded_payment_types' => [
                ['id' => 'ticket']
            // maximum number of installments
            'installments' => 1

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